The "Jazz" series are a compilation of sheik high, fashion figures, jazz musicians and other performers in nightclub settings. "I'm sure you'll agree - this style have never crossed your path."


On the Computer as an Art Medium:


When I first heard of computer graphic/art programs I was skeptical, because I felt an inanimate high-tech machine would stifle and limit one’s creativity, or have limitations.  It seems, I was wrong on both accounts because, of course, no medium limits anyone's imagination, or, is limiting in itself.  The bottom line is that if you enjoy the medium, the medium will work for you.


Because it was new and challenging, I enjoyed exploring this high-tech medium and learning to manipulate the various, programs’ tools, to achieve the desired lines, planes, colors nuances and textures to create these images.


All of these works started from scratch on a white screen, as opposed to manipulating imported digitized or scanned images.  And, like the airbrush, which I have worked for over 20 years, it also suits my style, temperament and attitude.   Although, neither the airbrush nor the computer are conventional mediums, and neither is it considered a viable art medium by common standards, I maintain that any medium can be used to create, and, if the artist enjoys it, that medium is "viable".


You will also notice that these prints are not smooth or refined, but maintain a stark, raw digital quality. This is because the printer on which the pieces were printed, was an old,  HP PaintJet printer which only printed at 280 dpi, compared to today's laser-like quality printers. I especially liked this, because the low resolution print gives the images a surreal, impressionistic feel, that, I feel, compliments the works, and gives the overall work a brassy feel that complements the brassy, jazz theme.  Overall, it presents a different look in art.


The Missing Link: This style of images, probably, could not be created with today's high-resolution software and printers. I, therefore consider them the missing link between the heavy pixilated art of the past - to today’s high definition and glossy ads and images seen in magazines, etc. 


All the works seen here are original, and go back to 1991.  Unfortunately I lost the original files of these works, because in January of 1993, I inadvertently erased the hard drive containing the files, and lost a few months worth of works including various sketches and ideas.   Luckily, during the past couple of years, I had downloaded and saved hard copies of most of the files, which is you see here. 


It's ironic that something that took a few months to create could be wiped away at the stroke of a key - in a techno-second.  I think of the lost works being out in some kind of ‘techno-limbo’. After this loss, I shed some tears and learned a lesson –not to clean up a hard drive while drinking - sort of like - ‘Do not Drink and Clean your Drive’. After the tears I resolved that there was nothing left to do but go forward.


Conclusively, I feel these computer-generated illustrations/art are testament that passionate, sexy art can be created with an inanimate cold, lifeless machine, like the computer.  For example, I think - "Piano Bar" or "Blowing in the wind" and "Light my Fire" are HOT pieces as  one can feel the passion behind there creation


 Continue to read on the artist's Reflections On the Themes of The Jazz series:




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